Plant sterols are found in everyday foods like fruit and vegetables, vegetable oils and nuts and grains.36,37
Flora ProActiv helps people to achieve the daily amount required for lowering their cholesterol, in a way that is easily incorporated into their diet.

The recommended intake of plant sterols is around 2.4g daily, which can be achieved by:
- Either eating three portions from a combination of the Flora ProActiv spreads or milk drink
- Or with the ‘one-a-day’ yoghurt mini-drink (3 portions in one)
Consuming more than 3g plant sterols daily doesn’t provide an additional cholesterol lowering benefit and is therefore not recommended.
All Flora ProActiv products include clear portion advice to help your patients consume the recommended amount.
Achieving the recommended amount with Flora ProActiv:
use one or two portions of Flora ProActiv spread on bread/toast/rolls and/or Flora ProActiv milk drink on cereal and/or drink a glass of Flora ProActiv skimmed milk drink
spread Flora ProActiv on sandwiches, rolls and toast and/or drink a glass of Flora ProActiv skimmed milk drink
use Flora ProActiv spread in place of butter or oil on pasta, rice, new or baked potatoes and vegetables
Foods with added plant sterols significantly lower cholesterol whether they are consumed once a day or recurrently throughout the day.64
Flora ProActiv foods should be consumed with a meal for best results.65,66 More generally, Flora ProActiv foods should be consumed as a part of a healthy diet and lifestyle with sufficient fruit and vegetables.
Who should consume plant sterols?
Plant sterols have been thoroughly researched and approved for use in foods. The positive benefits of stanols and sterols are also referenced within the Joint British Societies recommendations on the prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (JBS3).
Plant sterols are targeted specifically at people who have elevated cholesterol and there are no real benefits for other groups of the population. People on cholesterol-lowering medication should consult their doctor first before they start consuming plant sterols.
The EAS consensus panel recommends that food with added plant sterols /stanols may be considered:42
- For patients with high cholesterol levels at intermediate or low global cardiovascular risk who do not qualify for pharmacotherapy
- As an adjunct to pharmacologic therapy in high and very high risk patients who fail to achieve LDL-C targets on statins or are statin-intolerant
- In adults and children (>6 years) with familial hypercholesterolaemia, in line with current guidance.
Foods with added plant sterols, such as Flora ProActiv, don’t affect insulin use. Patients with diabetes should consult the advice of a GP before consuming plant sterols.
Plant sterols may not be nutritionally appropriate for pregnant or breast-feeding women and children under five.