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Plant sterols have been shown to have benefit beyond lowering cholesterol.

Triglyceride-lowering effects of plant sterols

  • Plant sterols exert a modest triglyceride-lowering effect.39

In a pooled analysis (Demonty I et al, 2013) of 12 randomised controlled trials: Plant sterol intakes between 1.6-2.5g/d lowered triglycerides by an average of 6%. Larger reductions in triglycerides were observed in subjects with higher baseline triglyceride concentrations.

Lowering cholesterol without impacting vascular function

  • Increased levels of plant sterols do not impact vascular function.35

In a single-centre, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study with two treatment arms (Ras R et al, 2014): a low-fat spread with added plant sterols and a control spread without added plant sterols. It was shown that a regular intake of a low-fat spread with added plant sterols lowers total and LDL-cholesterol, without improving or worsening vascular function.

Click here to download our reference list of trials demonstrating the efficacy and safety of Flora ProActiv
the role of plant sterols
lowering cholesterol